Spring has finally sprung in Manitoba! The grass is greening up, the outside temperature swings from a 9 degree high (Celsius) last week to a high of 30 today. One of the provinces favourite EdTech Conferences – Riding the Wave of Change, in Gimli Manitoba is a few days away at the time of this writing. The ice is still, but that will not chill the buzz of conversations that always take place at this conference.
I am excited to return once again to attend the conference and look forward to presenting a two-hour workshop – Documenting Student Learning with New Google Sites – Session A4 and repeat session on Friday, D9. For those of you who are unable to attend, you will find resources below.
- Workshop Description
- Workshop Website – Google Sites – Documenting Student Learning
- My Google Trainer Site (Classic Google Site)
- My beta Google Trainer Site (Created using New Google Sites)
Looking forward to the learning and sharing that this opportunity brings.